

Monument to the 11th Regiment Infantry PA at Gettysburg

In early July 1863, General Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia struck the Union army at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  General Lee’s intent was to strike a major victory for the Confederacy by directly assaulting the Union as well as diverting Union attention from the Confederate capital at Richmond.  From July 1-3, the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac battled resulting in a Union victory.

During the Battle of Gettysburg, the 11th Regiment of PA was engaged along Seminary Ridge and Cemetery Hill in the rear of the rear guard.  As support for the 1st and 2nd Brigades, the 11th Regiment on July 1st sent fresh troops, held the line, and captured approximately 500 NC troops. The 11th Regiment on July 2 and 3 continued to act in a supportive role by maintaining the Union line thereby keeping the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia from advancing further on the battlefield.  The 11th Regiment with the Army of the Potomac pursued the Confederates on from July 5-13 until the Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac and the Union army gave up the chase.  

Casualties for the 11th Regiment: 15 killed, 59 wounded, and 64 captured by Confederate army.

Wartime Service